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Heat Exchange (The Alpha Billionaire's Virgin Book 1) Page 3

But thinking about her appearance was almost impossible when between her legs, Nyall's finger was probing at her cleft. It wiggled in more deeply and then it brushed by an area so sensitive that Janey's breath drew in sharply.

  She'd read books and watched movies and taught herself to pleasure herself, so Janey was pretty sure she knew what that spot was. But she was confused. Never when she touched her own clit had it felt that way, not even remotely. She didn't masturbate all that often, and when she did it felt like a tiny little surprise spasm.

  Just the one touch of this man's finger, though, and the vibes were already earthquake-scale. For the first time she considered that maybe he knew what he was talking about and he could actually do what he'd said.

  "Wow," she mumbled.

  The finger moved slickly over that sensitive area, circling it and rubbing across it. Tingles of delight ricocheted inward to parts of her body she hadn't been aware even possessed nerve endings.

  Janey's mind emptied. She stared at the elevator carpet, trying to get her brain back under her command and do what he'd instructed and look preoccupied.

  But that finger kept moving, and then there was a pinching pressure that sent a burst of rapture throughout her body. Janey gasped and tried not to squirm.

  "Tell me about your catering business," he murmured.


  "The whole allergy thing. I'm curious, why did you choose that particular niche?"

  Janey stared unseeingly at the carpet, trying to focus on his words. His finger hadn't stopped touching her as he'd talked. In fact, now it was stroking really swiftly. Janey felt her breathing become labored. It became hard to keep her head straight on her neck.

  "Uh—two of my little sisters have—uh—life-threatening food allergies," she managed. "One of them went anaphylactic three times at school because—because she couldn't stay away from the junk food. I started —"

  This was hopeless. Her head swam because the fast touch had changed, slowing to a light plucking, then a sweet sliding, around and around and around. It made her want to scream.

  Janey's teeth bit her lip in hopes of getting her mind back on track.

  "You were saying?" he prompted, his voice sounding polite, just as it would if they were having a slightly tedious conversation while waiting for an elevator to be repaired.

  "I—ah—started experimenting—with baking food that was safe for her to eat. And the rest—the rest is his—history."

  It was nuts. Surely Nyall's hand had only been buried inside her pants for a couple of minutes at most. Not long enough to make her whole body tremble or send agonizingly delicious ripples through her body that were threatening to take her apart.

  She turned her head and met his eyes, her own bewildered.

  He raised his brow at her questioningly. The man looked so bored that if she didn't know better, she'd think he was asleep. While between her legs, his hand was pressing her firmly, grinding in tiny circles. Janey shut her eyes and quickly turned back, desperately trying to concentrate.

  "That's pretty impressive," he said. "So who financed you? Did you get a loan?"

  "M-my parents. They're very—uh—supportive."

  Her vision was blurring. Her knuckles were hurting and she realized she'd clasped her hands together and her fingers were like clamps.

  Focus. Be cool.

  There was a banging on the doors to the elevator. Nyall cocked his head. "Sounds like they're almost in. Guess we'd better get this show on the road, huh, Janey?"

  The fingers between her legs did something. She had no idea what. Just that one moment she was quivering, holding her breath and feeling like she was teetering on the edge of something scary and wonderful, and the next delectable pleasure exploded within her—the most exquisite sensations she'd ever felt in her life, including the first time she'd eaten her grandmother's fudge.

  Dimly she was aware of his hand discreetly withdrawing from her pants. Of his arm tugging at her limbs and shifting the jacket over her leg. Of his voice casually saying something and him springing to his feet.

  All while she sat there trying to manage her expression, pretending to rub her forehead with her arm sleepily while her body dealt with its first real mind-blowing orgasm ever. It went on and on. It didn't feel completely good—in fact, there was something seriously frustrating about it. But it was still amazing.

  Slowly she regained her senses, becoming aware of the noises on the doors, mostly scrapes and clattering. She peeked up at Nyall. He was strolling around the elevator now, looking graceful and gorgeous as he aimlessly touched the walls, the panel. It dawned on her that he was providing a distraction for anybody watching on camera.

  She noticed stupidly that the hand he'd had in her pants was in his pocket. She also noticed something about those pants she'd missed before. The area in front of his groin was tightly stretched out in an enormous bulge.

  Oh my God, Janey. The man has an erection like nobody's business.

  But how? And why? What in the world had happened to turn him on? Was it just from what he'd done to her?

  "Hello?" Muffled voices were shouting from outside the elevator. Janey heard "hold it" and "a few more minutes" and she scrambled up, grabbed her jacket and totes, and went to the back of the elevator. She looked at Nyall.

  He joined her by the wall, putting his hand around her waist. The touch surprised her, electrified her. She saw that his lips were curved in a smile again, different from before. Not warm, exactly, but not smug either—thank God. If he looked smug, she'd swear she'd burst into tears again. Although she wouldn't have blamed him one bit. He'd said he'd give her an orgasm within twenty minutes and he had.

  So, what—tender? No, not quite. Concerned, maybe? She searched his eyes, trying to understand that smile.

  "Doing okay?" he said offhandedly.

  She nodded.

  "So what do you think?" he said mildly. "Did you like that?"

  She nodded more profusely.

  He laughed. "Me, too."

  "You did? You?"


  "But why?"

  "I'll tell you one day."

  "Oh." She was disgruntled. "Well, thank you. I mean, really, thank you. That was a pretty awesome thing." She added in a low voice, "I've never felt something so nice before. I see now what I'm missing."

  "Janey, what exactly are you thanking me for?"

  "For, you know. Initiating me. Into sex. Who knew it would happen in an elevator, of all places, with a total stranger?" A stranger I'll probably never see again.

  His amusement was plain. "That wasn't initiating you. That was giving you a taste of what sex is like. A tiny nibble. But you want the whole course, remember?"

  "Oh. Right."

  "The plan is for you to come spend a week or so with me. I'll teach you how to have sex like a pro and you cook for me."

  "You mean teach you how to cook."

  "Right, whatever. Teach me how to cook, I guess, then, if you insist."

  "You really want to do it?"

  "Might as well," he said. "Better than you picking up your average neighborhood sleazeball."

  "It's a very gracious offer." She meant it. For some reason, he'd been turned on just now, but it was probably a weird fluke. This would hardly be a thrill for him. Spending a week tutoring an inexperienced virgin when he could spend it in Hawaii or in the Caribbean or wherever he planned to go couldn't be all that appealing.

  Of course, he might still turn out to be a scumbag. The whole thing might be some kind of perv trick. Maybe she'd been unlucky enough to get stuck on an elevator with a character who chronically went around to all the elevators in the city looking for gullible victims. It was possible.

  "Do you have any references?" she asked seriously.

  There was beat of silence. Then he burst out laughing. He opened his mouth, but before he could answer, the doors of the elevator began to open.

  Chapter 3

  TO: Janey Pankowski

  FROM: Nyall Ander

  SUBJECT: Vacation

  Hi Janey,

  I enjoyed meeting you on the elevator last Friday.

  As per our tentative plans, I've managed to cancel my trip and set aside the first week in October for our week together. However, with the way you left, I wasn't sure you were still on board for the whole thing. Let me know if it doesn't work for you.

  Assuming everything is a go, there are some ground rules I'd like to cover before you come to stay. Just a few items to make things easier for you.

  Regarding those references you asked about. Feel free to contact any of the following people listed in the attached file. They can vouch for my experience in these matters.

  Attached also is a physician's report dated this week. You'll want to look it over carefully.

  As to security, look me up on the Internet. Forward this email to someone you trust. Do whatever you would do if you were planning to go away with anybody you didn't know well.

  I'll call you tonight about those rules on your business cell.


  Nyall Anderson


  Sonneman Anderson Research Group

  Janey read the email for the hundredth time, trying to read between the lines.

  In the week since that crazy couple of hours she'd spent on the elevator with the sexy stranger, she'd tried to convince herself the whole thing had been a bizarre dream.

  It certainly had been like a dream. As soon as the elevator doors had been pried open and there were people milling about, reality had intruded. Rudely.

  Janey had found herself staring, appalled, at Nyall, who was once again ignoring her and talking on his phone. Then she'd grabbed her bags and bolted.

  During the days since, she'd tried to put the whole episode out of her mind. And almost succeeded.

  Until this morning when she'd gotten his email from out of the blue. It told her that the episode had not only been real, but memorable enough for Nyall to dig out her business card and follow up on it.

  Assuming he was who he said he was. Which did seem to be the case.

  She'd spent all day researching him. Examining his medical records, which showed a man by the name of Nyall Anderson reported as being in the peak of health and free of STDs.

  She'd also looked him up on the Internet and called all his references.

  She'd been shocked at what she discovered. For one thing, Nyall Anderson was pretty famous after all. Not famous like a celebrity, but in business tech circles, he was a well-known name, a startup wiz who'd passed several hot new health technology properties through his hands, turning them into gold. Even she had heard of the biggest of them—DocMeWorld, a platform that was supposed to be paving the way for remote healthcare consultation. It was changing the face of healthcare worldwide.

  The dude had to be seriously wealthy. Frighteningly so. He'd been married once, just as he said. And at just 28, the man was actually one year younger than she was!

  But that wasn't the least of it. One by one, she'd gone through the names on his reference list. There were eleven, all women. The first thing she did was look them up online to establish that they were real people. They were.

  And their relationship with Nyall became obvious as she talked with each of them. Each one had been his lover, and most of them still were.

  He didn't do girlfriends or wives, he'd said. But he clearly did mistresses.

  At first, her questions had been cautiously worded. But the women were all frank, welcoming, and happy to talk to her on the phone.

  Really nice women, actually. They made it easy to ask questions, so by the end, Janey felt like some kind of savvy interviewer.

  Q: What is your relationship with Nyall Anderson?

  A: Oh, Nyall's awesome. He's a babe. Really generous.

  Q: Are you lovers?

  A: Sure.

  Q: How often do you see him?

  A: Oh, once every, what, three months or so?

  Q: Does he treat you well?

  A: Very well. Really nice, like I said. Jewelry, wine, clothes. He's super generous.

  Q: Is he monogamous?

  A: Nah, not Nyall. He doesn't do monogamy. But he warns you about that.

  Q: Are you a professional, er, mistress?

  A: What? [laughter] No, we have business connections.

  Q: Well, so what's in it for you?

  A: You're seriously asking that? He's wet-your-panties orgasmic in bed, girl. Like, drool-till-he-calls-you-the-next-time sexy.

  Q: Is great sex that big of a deal then?

  A: [Peels of laughter]

  Q: Don't you get jealous of the other women he goes out with?

  A: Aw, you're a sweetheart, aren't you? I guess if there was one girl he preferred above the rest, we'd all fight like cats. But Nyall's about the experience, you know?

  Q: Are you in love with him?

  A: Nah, I have a boyfriend for that.

  Q: Does your boyfriend know about Nyall?

  A: Sure.

  Q: And he doesn't mind?

  A: Hold on. Baby, do you mind that I fuck Nyall Anderson every once in a while? Nah, Cole's good with it.

  There were only a couple who veered from the general "Nyall is a sex god and I'm happy to lick the crumbs from his plate" theme. And they were clearly one-offs.

  Q: What is your relationship with Nyall Anderson?

  A: We were involved a while back.

  Q: Girlfriend-boyfriend involved?

  A: Kind of, I guess. In a way.

  Q: Do you ever see him now?

  A: [sigh] Not for at least a year.

  Q: Was he good to you when you were involved?

  A: The best.

  Q: Did he ever do anything, um, bad?

  A: He paid my mortgage off without telling me, and I accidentally overpaid, and it was a bitch getting the money back from the bank.

  Q: Did he ever do drugs?

  A: Hey, don't even go there. That's a deal-breaker, so if you're into the stuff, just don't bother. He's squeaky clean.

  Q: Er…did you fall in love with him?

  A: I could have. I really could have. But I had two other boyfriends so I never really got to spend that much time with Nyall.

  Q: How did the boyfriends feel about the time you spent with Nyall?

  A: They didn't know.

  Q: Did Nyall know about the boyfriends?

  A: Not for a while. When he found out, he was upset.

  Q: Jealous?

  A: No, he just likes all the cards on the table.

  Q: If he called you now, would you meet him?

  A: Are you kidding? I'd love to, but my husbands are crazy jealous. They monitor everything.

  Q: Oh, you got married? Congratulations.

  A: Thanks.

  Q: When you parted with Nyall, was it angry, or friendly, or what?

  A: Friendly, I guess. He's kind of emotionally unavailable but I know I could come to him if I needed something.

  Q: What is your relationship with Nyall Anderson?

  A: We have sex a couple times a week. Sometimes we hang out at a coffee shop.

  Q: That often? Are you involved in a serious relationship?

  A: Nyall doesn't do serious.

  Q: How long have you known him?

  A: Oh, geez. Six, seven years, on a casual-friendly basis.

  Q: How long has he been involved with you, um, sexually?

  A: About six months.

  Q: Is, um, is he a good lover?

  A: Fuck, yeah.

  Q: So there's no emotional involvement?

  A: Can you hold on a minute? I'm working on a project and I just have to…there. Something was wrong with the fonts but I think I have it worked out. What was that?

  Q: Are you emotionally involved with Nyall?

  A: By emotion, do you mean sex?

  Q: Uh, yeah.

  A: Yes, we're sexually involved.

  Q: Does he do drugs?

  A: Absolutely not.

Is he ever abusive?

  A: I saved it. I know I saved it. Which version…oh, it was on the big drive. Sorry. What was that? Abusive? No, Nyall's not into pain.

  Q: Um. What do you mean, into pain?

  A: Sadism. Not his scene.

  Q: Oh. What is he into?

  A: [smiling] Orgasm. Just orgasm.

  Q: Do you ever get jealous of Nyall Anderson's other lovers?

  A: Interesting question. Only in an abstract way.

  Q: What do you mean?

  A: Listen, he's busy, I'm busy…not much time to meet. Speaking of which, I'm on a deadline. I can take one more question.

  Q: Um, okay. Is Nyall awfully, awfully rich?

  A: Gotta be. He's invested quite a bit in my project, anyway. Hey, can I ask you a question?

  Q: [coughs] Sure.

  A: Are you thinking of starting a thing with Nyall? Is that what this is about?

  Q: Kind of, I guess.

  A: He's a great guy. Good luck.

  Q: Okay, thanks. [pause] Do you have any advice for me?

  A: Sure. Don't get possessive. Don't lie. Don't get sappy. Don't boss him around. What else…it's not printing? Hold on. Well, damn. That didn't format. Look, I have to go.

  Q: Thanks for all your time.

  A: Sure. Maybe we can have coffee sometime.

  Q: I'd enjoy that.

  Exhausted now, Janey nibbled her lip. After the way she'd spent her Sunday, the idea of talking to Nyall on the phone tonight was a bit much.

  She sent off an email instead.

  TO: Nyall Anderson

  FROM: Janey Pankowski

  RE: Vacation

  Hi Nyall,

  I was surprised to get your email this morning. I thought you'd forgotten all about the elevator incident.

  You really canceled all that stuff? Just to help me with my virginity issue? That's nice of you.

  Thank you for the references. I called all those women. I also looked you up online. You seem to be extremely rich. But at least you don't do drugs.

  Would you mind not calling tonight and instead just telling me about the ground rules in an email? I've had a long day talking to all your mistresses.